Seriously, what in the hell is the big deal about Kale!

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“Everybody keeps telling me to eat Kale. Seriously, what in the hell is the big deal about Kale! ”

I was talking to a group of writer friends last night and the subject of Kale came up randomly. Well, not so randomly actually. Someone asked what I was up to and I mentioned fingerlickinkitchen of course. Which another friend so lovingly described as: the place where I make “cookies out of water”. Not really what I do but, hilarious none the less. The conversation some how meandered to Kale to which the statement above was made. I love these sorts of conversations! It is fodder for me to write about but, also a concrete way I can help others in this maddening quest to breakdown the mystery around food! So yeah, what the hell’s the big deal about Kale? Continue reading

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I must admit, for years I was perplexed by artichokes. Every time I saw them in the grocery store, with their hard looking exterior, I couldn’t even imagine eating one. I had so many questions… How do you cook it? What’s with the spike looking things on the outside? What does it taste like? How do you eat it? What can’t you eat? I didn’t want to be like that guy (you may have read about in the news recently) who ate the entire thing (hard parts and all) and got sick.
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